Can I order an item that is not listed on the website, or that is listed as "unavailable"?
We generally don't take orders for unavailable items.
If we are able to reliably back order an item, then it will have an "on request" status, and can be ordered normally.
If an item is unlisted or listed as "unavailable," this usually means that we don't know when or if it will be available, or for what price.
Because we do our best to reliably fulfill orders, we do not accept orders for unavailable items (we don't want to make promises we can't keep!).
The "Notify me when this item is available" option
If an item is unavailable, we encourage you to use the "Notify me when this item is available" option.
Every item page features a button and field for entering your email address (unless you are logged in, in which case this is unnecessary).
Once we register your request, our system will automatically send you a notification when the item is available.
Remember that our website usually only features available items,
so if you cannot find an item you wish to receive notification for, filter the search options appropriately.
We do not accept notification requests via telephone or email.
Hundreds of items circulate through our warehouse every day.
We cannot manually predict who might be interested in what, so the only way to receive notification is through our automated system.
We appreciate your understanding.
Two exceptional situations
- If a given item is new, and is not yet listed on our website, it will most likely appear soon. You can also ask us if we've overlooked something.
- If we do not sell items from a given brand, this means that we do not cooperate with its suppliers. We are open to suggestions regarding expansion of our offer, so we may be able to initiate cooperation with a new supplier depending on the suggestion, but we cannot order individual items from such suppliers.
Availability history chart
Every item page features a detailed availability history chart.
We try to keep stock appropriate for demand, but if an item regularly comes and goes, this means that we are experiencing temporary shortages. If an item is temporarily unavailable, see its delivery history for availability frequency and an estimation of when it will be back in stock.
If a product has been unavailable for at least a few months, or has never been available, this means either that it is unavailable from the distributor (i.e. it is no longer produced, or no longer ordered due to insufficient demand), or that we no longer cooperate with a supplier. We therefore cannot back order the item, since there is nowhere for us to back order it from.
Exceptions here are spare parts for certain tools.
Unusual chart displays:
If the chart doesn't show any deliveries, but the item status is now marked as available, this means that the item has been reserved, but not purchased, and that the reservation time has ended.
The item is available, but for several months (or even years) no deliveries have been recorded. This is because the last delivery was large enough to satisfy a long-term need, e.g. a limited-edition item was purchased in large quantities.