Bronze and copper rust. In dioramas, moss and lichen.
Pigments are used for weathering and ageing the finish of vehicles, armour, fortifications and structures; they are ideal for creating the effects of accumulated dust, mud, dirt and smoke produced by time and natural erosion.
The pigments chosen for this range are all earth and iron oxides, especially suitable for all the different climatic and geographical conditions of the terrain of a diorama.
To adhere the pigment to the surface of the model Matt Medium is used (70.540), or Pigment Binder (26.233) which dries more slowly and allows more time to simulate water and snow run-offs and to move the pigment into and around the details of the model.
Many other special effects can be obtained by mixing pigments with the products in our Diorama Effects range such as Transparent Water (26.201) to achieve effects of oil and grease stains, or Sandy Paste (26.215) to create a rough, coarse surface for heavy dried mud or flaking deep rust. Earth and Iron Oxide pigments to avoid accidental spillage they are packaged with a childproof top.
Pigments are used to add realistic effects, the effects of weathering, aging, vehicle finishes, fortifications and structures in modeling.
They are perfect for creating the effects of accumulated fresh or dried dust and mud, dirt, corrosion, ash, water stains, sooting, produced by time and natural erosion.
A pigment is simply a dust, a powder obtained from various metals (e.g. magnesium, zinc, titanium) and minerals, used to produce all colors.
The difference between a pigment and a paint is explained by a simple explanation, a paint is a pigment combined with a substance that "clumps" its particles and allows it to adhere to painted surfaces.