Basic information
Product code | tam35017 |
Weight: | 0.56 kg |
Ean: | 4950344995387 |
Scale | 1:35 |
Paint | MS-5,TS-3,XF-1,XF-10,XF-2,XF-65, |
Added to catalog on: | 6.30.2005 |
Tags: | FlaK-36 FlaK-37 |
Manufacturer | Tamiya Tamiya, INC 3-7 Ondawara 422-8610 Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka Japan |
Responsible entity | HIT-BIS Spó³ka z o.o. Zwyciêzców 6A/4 03-941 Warszawa Poland |
The 8.8 cm Flak 36/37 is a German heavy anti-aircraft gun, a development of the Flak18 cannon. Compared to the original, the gun barrel has changed, and now it had a split core tube. The gun mount and the undercarriage were also changed. These changes allowed the gun to be maneuvered both forward and backward. In the Flak 37 version, the communication system with the battery control unit has been modernized. Like the Falk 18, the Flak 36/37 was characterized by great vertical and horizontal flight parameters as well as great armor penetration. From 1940 on a massive scale, it was used as an anti-tank weapon. Technical data: range: vertical - 10,600 m, horizontal - 14,860 m, caliber: 88 mm, combat weight: 5000 kg, rate of fire: 15-20 rounds / min., Projectile initial speed: 820 m / s (high-explosive shell), 930m / s (armor-piercing projectile).
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Basic information
Producer | Tamiya Tamiya, INC 3-7 Ondawara 422-8610 Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka Japan |
Responsible entity | HIT-BIS Spó³ka z o.o. Zwyciêzców 6A/4 03-941 Warszawa Poland |
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