Start UBF14 U-Boot im Focus Edition No.14

U-Boot im Focus Edition No.14 - Image 1
Manufacturer: Start
Product code: SRT-UBF14
Availability: in stock!
$35 or 21300 pts.

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Basic information

Product codeSRT-UBF14
Weight:0.29 kg
Added to catalog on:3.6.2024
Tags:Type-IX-submarine Type-VII-submarine Type-XXI-submarine
Responsible entityStart

U-Boat in Focus No. 14

INHALT content Innenaufnahmen / Interior Shots
U-18, 1943
Leserforum / Reader's Forum
Typ II B Boote / Type II B Boats U-9, 1942
Type VII C Boats / Type VII C Boats U-97, 1942
U-81, 1942
U-423, 1943
U-270, 1943 U-429, 1943/44
Type IX B + C Boats / Type IX C Boats U-68 (IX C), 1941
U-107 (IX B), 1942
Turrets / Conning Towers
The VII C boat with the unusual tower segment camouflage
Farbfotos / Colour Photos
Die K'stenlinie Abschiedsschmerz und Gluckseeligkeitsgefahl
Wimpel / Pennants Aircraft debris in the Bay of Biscay
Boot im Focus / Boat in Focus Operations area Gulf of Finland
The operations of U-481 in the eastern Baltic Sea
Dokumente / Documents The deep sea master's diploma
Schicksale / Fates Complaint to the Luftwaffe
Fotos mit Geschichte / Photos with a Story
U-Boot berfohrt U-Boot (Collision U-322 with U-1009, Baltic Sea 1944)
Scenery / Scenery
Busy activity in Kiel harbour
Ungewöhnliches / Unusual
The Spanish Cross for submariners What is the Turkenfez all about?

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Responsible entityStart

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