
AK-Interactive 8064 WET PALETTE

Manufacturer: AK-Interactive
Product code: AKI-8064
Availability: out of stock
Last available: 12.22.2022
$14.14 or 8600 pts.

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Basic information

Product codeAKI-8064
Weight:0.17 kg
Added to catalog on:5.6.2019
Ak Interactive S.L C/Valsalado 6 La Portalada III 26006 Logrono La Rioja Spain
Responsible entityAk Interactive S.L C/Valsalado 6 La Portalada III 26006 Logrono La Rioja Spain

Wet Pallete

The Wet Palette is a tool mainly used by figure painters, but more and more it is being used by people that paint with acrylics. It will extend the useful life of any acrylic so that it can be used for hours and once shut it will preserve the colors and color mixtures. It can be kept in the fridge.

It has three components:

1.Sponge, to hold large quantities of water, since it is quite thick.

2.Cloth made of fiber, placed on top of the sponge as a leveler, humidity filter, and as an interchangeable element in case of stains or if not used for a long time.

3.High quality special Paper, made of a fine silicone film, allows the transfer of humidity but prevents water forming and paints from dissolving, and does not give off any fibers not hairs when worked with the brushes.

The Wet Palette is watertight and airtight, made of the same material of marine containers for flares, charts, and medicines. Its locks guarantee the seal. This extends the life of paints, especially in Summer, hot climates, and under extreme conditions.

It contains:

    1 AK Wet palette
    1 Wipe
    40 Papers
    2 Foams

Recommend products: Mokra Paleta, Mr. Wet Palette and PAPER (wet palette replacement).

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Basic information

Ak Interactive S.L C/Valsalado 6 La Portalada III 26006 Logrono La Rioja Spain
Responsible entityAk Interactive S.L C/Valsalado 6 La Portalada III 26006 Logrono La Rioja Spain

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Added to catalog on: 5.6.2019
Availability: out of stock
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  • 1 pcs.
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  • 3-5 pcs.
  • 6-10 pcs.
  • above 10 pcs.
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